Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Of buttons, buttocks and shako cords

Here's another battalion based up for Napoleon At War. These guys are the 2nd Light Battalion of the King's German Legion as they appeared at Waterloo. Minis are from Newline Designs, and are a mix of their British light infantry and riflemen. As far as I can tell, no-one makes a 2nd Lt KGL miniature in 18-20mm. As the Battalion wore a collection of hand-me-downs from the British rifles and their own distinctive equipment, some minor converting was required.
1. Lace was filed off the front of the light infantry to make the jackets appear more like the coatees worn by the riflemen.
2. The long tails of the light infantry minis were dremelled off, resulting in a couple of evenings spent delicately reshaping 20mm buttocks.
3. Shako cords were painstakingly made from very thin green-stuff and delicately looped around various shakos and miriltons (or however the hell its spelled).

Monday, 5 January 2015

30 points of pure Dutch fury

Happy 2015. Here's  a Dutch militia battalion for Napoleon at War. Minis by Man at War. I've done a bunch of their British stuff, and I think these are a better quality sculpt than those. There are still some issues (particularly with flash around the feet for some reason), but I still think MaW's minis have something of an 'x factor' that other manufacturers around this scale don't have. Perhaps it's the lack of uniformity: You have dudes looking left and right checking there spacing or yelling orders, some guys out of step and so on. Makes for some gentle variation that looks good on the table.

For those time when you feel that the sheer firepower and marksmanship
of French conscripts is over-powered....

The flag is less red in real life. My ability to manipulate
 photos is about on par with a chimp.

View of labels, and funky calf-skin haversacks. Also, given their amazingly poor
stats, probably the view of them that the enemy will be seeing a lot of.