Saturday, 20 September 2014

Brigade will advance....

Here is some 18mm stuff that I recently (finally) got based up for Napoleon at War. This is the 5th British Brigade as they appeared at Waterloo.

Complete Brigade: 2/30th, 33rd, 2/69th, 2/72nd of Foot

Bayonets fixed, colours flying, bands playing and all that.


MAJGEN Sir Colin Halkett, KCB. He was wounded four times at the battle. Which is a pretty rough day at the office.

This shows the labels I've been using for Napoleon at War and Flames of War.

Friday, 12 September 2014

I has blog

So, I've started this blog thing in a vain attempt to get more painting done. After all, if a non-existant audience of niche enthusiasts can't motivate me to get more done, nothing can.

So to kick off, here are some photos of some Dystopian Wars stuff that I've done previously. The Imperium airship picked up 3rd place in the Cancon 2013 painting comp (I was soundly and deservedly beaten by a couple of stunning Elf-looking single minis).


 Bit of silvering around those iron cross decals unfortuantely, despite being drowned in decal setting solution.